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March 13, 2023 2 min read

3 Positive Things You Need to Tell Yourself Every Morning

To start the day well we suggest practicing ‘slow mornings’. Slow mornings are mornings where we have ample time to wake and start the day slowly. Slow mornings can look like sipping hot coffee while watching the sunrise or engaging in a journaling practice. They can look like going for a run or beach walk followed by a stop at your local juice bar. There really are no rules except remaining unhurried, avoiding screens and being sure to tailor the start of the day to your temperament.

Engaging in a ‘slow morning’ practice allows us to be aware of Self talk. Morning self talk has the power to greatly affect the outcome of the day. How we speak to ourselves when we wake can position us for success or defeat. Being intentional in the way we talk to ourselves is the first step in cultivating self talk that benefits our lives . Here are 3 things you can say every morning to start your day right. 


1. I am grateful for everything in my life.

Gratitude is powerful. Saying the words ‘I am grateful’ out loud or writing them down in a journal can shift your mind towards all that is good in your life. Repeating this statement ushers in joy because perceived good plus gratitude equals joy. We also love these words because they take the spotlight off lack and help us to focus on the abundance of provision around us. 


2. I let go of that which I can not control.

We can make decisions but rarely have the ability to control outcomes. This can make us feel fearful and frustrated, however this statement is truly liberating. If you want to lighten your load, reduce stress and welcome calmness, think of all you wish you could change but do not have the power to do so, inhale, exhale and say these words three times and let go. Giving ourselves permission to lay things down can be a great way to start the day.


3. I give myself permission to be myself.

Saying this one might feel a little strange but it can help us drop the expectations placed on us by others as well as the ones we put on ourselves. Knowing you do not need to be anyone you are not and that you can approach the day in your own unique way is not only extremely freeing, it will also set you up to be productive. This is because being authentic is the only way to truly make your mark and give what you alone can contribute.

Cultivating the habit of engaging in positive morning self talk is great, however do not feel the need to stop there. Stating these sentences throughout the day is also extremely beneficial.


You can use grateful word charms to remind you all that is good in your life. We also suggest you wear ‘Never give up’, ‘You got this’ and ‘Believe.


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